TOP 10 Environment Quiz with Answers PDF Download

Environment Quiz with Answers are discussed here with details. Millions of people search for environment-related content online every year. Yet, people are getting more and more interested in the environment. Why? Because growing environmental concerns are creating more environmental interest than ever before. Take this quiz to test your knowledge of the environment and learn a thing or two while you’re at it!

Environment Quiz with Answers PDF Download

All plants and animals depend on each other for their survival. Environmental problems are often caused when plants, animals, and humans live in ways that do not respect these relationships. That’s why it is important for us to learn about their roles in the ecosystem. Here, we published some mostly asked Environment Quiz with Answers below: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Environment Quiz with Answers PDF Download

Can Environment Change Genes?

Most people know that genetic factors contribute to the risk for many diseases, such as cystic fibrosis or hemochromatosis. But there is a less well-known and still controversial theory that an individual’s environment can change gene expression and therefore, contribute to disease. I think this is particularly relevant in the case of schizophrenia: which shows an increased incidence in those living in cities. Recent studies have shown definite differences between the brains of schizophrenic individuals and “healthy” individuals. Some argue that these changes could be due solely to genetic predisposition; others argue that epigenetic regulation could be at play.

It’s no secret that the environment has an impact on genetic expression. However, we typically associate this idea with the long-term impacts like smoking causing lung cancer or obesity leading to heart disease. But it turns out that there are also short-term effects on genetics called epigenetic regulation (the process in which genes are turned “on” and “off” by external factors in a cell).

We may not have any control over our DNA, but we do have the ability to influence its effect on the individual. However, does this mean that cancer can be inherited or can become contagious? And if it is contagious, what are the ways in which it can be transmitted?

Can Environment Change DNA?

Is it true that your environment can change your DNA? I know what you’re thinking. Of course, it can change my DNA. I can watch 60 hours of TV and sit on the couch eating Hot Pockets all week, and my DNA will probably react to that by making me unhealthy. But is it really a change in your genome? Can my DNA really change over time due to my environment (and not just the sequence)? I think those are important questions to ask – and let’s get to the bottom of this.

Researchers have long known that DNA changes in response to the environment. They knew that chemical tags— attached to DNA or its packaging protein, called histones— either permit genes to be expressed or prevent their expression. And they knew that these tags, called epigenetic marks, can change with age, transitioning slowly from a youthful state of maximum expression to a state of high silencing in old age. But now researchers have a better idea of how such age-related epigenetic changes come about. Their finding: nutrients and environmental toxins cause epigenetic changes by altering the way molecules bind to DNA or changing the structure of proteins that DNA wraps around.

Can Environment Cause Autism?

Research shows that children of mothers living near a freeway may be at an increased risk of autism. Children with ADHD are at greater risk of impulsive behavior, anxiety, and depression than adults. People living within 100 meters of gas stations had a higher risk of developing pneumonia during the winter.

A new study suggests that air pollution may contribute to the development of autism in children. It’s believed the link between the two may be exposed to harmful chemicals during critical periods of development.

A number of studies have been conducted on autism trying to identify the risk factors that may cause the disorder. Some of the potential risk factors that have come up include birth complications, genetic mutations, and exposure to certain environmental agents

Can Environmental And Human Drivers Overlap?

Humans can cause the extinction of a species through overharvesting, pollution, habitat destruction, the introduction of invasive species (such as new predators and food competitors), overhunting, and other influences. The most commonly reported causes of species extinction are ecosystem disruption, loss of habitat, and human-caused climate change. But humans can also cause extinction by introducing species to an environment; this is called “human-mediated” extinction.

Nowadays when it comes to the environment, we often think of climate change and pollution. But there are other factors that can cause extinction too. Some of these factors include climate change and deforestation. One example is the rainforest; its biodiversity is threatened by deforestation, something humans can easily prove to exacerbate as we clear more forest to make way for industrial farming, resulting in roughly several species every day going extinct.

Can Environment Affect Genotype?

When it comes to genotype and phenotype, one thing you might have wondered is, can the environment affect your genotype? The short answer is, yes! Genotype refers to a set of genes that are inherited from your biological parents, whereas phenotype refers to the physical and physiological characteristics exhibited by an individual due to their genotype.

When you think about human genetic variation and inheritance, you probably don’t think about the environment. The concept of phenotype is so ingrained that most people only briefly consider genotype when thinking about genes and genetics. However, there are certain theoretical situations where the genotype is different from the phenotype because it has developed differently under different environments.

In biology, there are many examples of heritable traits passed on from parents to children. These traits are known as the genotype. For example, in pea plants, there is a dominant allele G for green peas and a recessive allele g for yellow peas. According to Mendel’s law of segregation, pea plants have two independent alleles in their genetic makeup which are inherited from their respective parent plants.

If we were to inspect two plants that were both heterozygous (possess different alleles) we will see how both alleles are expressed based on their compatibility with the environment. While in a hot dry environment such as a desert the plant with genotype GG will express the phenotype for green peas because it has the dominant allele G. This can also be attributed to heat resistance where there is an increase in melanin production to obstruct harmful UV radiation that leads to pigment changes which promote photosynthesis and prevent moisture loss.

However, if subjected to a cooler and wetter climate such as that found in a forest, the plant with genotype gg will express the phenotype for yellow peas because there will be no need for melanin production so long as the rain is ample to promote photosynthesis and prevent moisture loss.

Can Environmental Allergies Cause Hives?

Can environmental allergies cause hives? The simple answer to this question is yes. Hives are also known as urticaria and they can be categorized into physical urticaria, pressure urticaria, and cholinergic urticaria depending on the cause. In a situation where you have multiple causes of hives, it is important to treat all underlying allergens so that your condition does not come back. If allergies are causing your hives, they can be treated easily with a few lifestyle changes coupled with medication.

Hives are a common skin condition that breaks out as itchy and red welts on the skin. Often, hives look like large mosquito bites or slightly raised areas of skin that can be red, pink, or purple in color. They often occur due to an allergic reaction such as exposure to a substance to which you are allergic or have sensitivity. The most common cause of hives is a food allergy, followed by medications and environmental allergies.

Hives are caused by small blood vessels just below the surface of the skin becoming unusually leaked. It’s a defense mechanism of the body to protect itself from outside irritants or allergens. Most hives are treated by avoiding what causes them but in some cases, medication may be needed to prevent them from happening again.

Can Environmental Factors Cause Cancer?

Cancer is a serious matter, and no one should be joking about it. However, there are some people who think that cancer is nothing but a disease caused by the environment like; air pollution, herbicides, pesticides, radiation, and working with chemicals. Yes, all of these things can be harmful to your health, but can they cause cancer? Let us look at these cases to see if the environment causes cancer or not.

Many environmental factors can affect our health and well-being. Some environmental exposures can cause cancer and other diseases. If a woman is exposed to high levels of estrogen during specific times of her life she can develop breast cancer. This type of cancer is called hormone-dependent or estrogen-dependent cancer, which accounts for one in four cases of breast cancer.

Pubertal exposure to estrogens from the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and birth control pills appears to be sufficient to trigger breast cancer in women with an inherited genetic susceptibility to the disease. There is good evidence that workers exposed to asbestos are more likely to develop lung cancer and mesothelioma, a rare form of lung cancer that affects the lining of the lung or abdominal cavity.

The environment can cause cancer. Although this is not a new phenomenon, it is only been recent that the public has become aware of the dangers posed by some of our daily activities. There have been many studies that have shown how environmental factors can cause cancer. Certain jobs involve exposure to chemicals that increase the risk of cancer.

Can environmental birth defects be prevented?

Can environmental birth defects be prevented? The answer is yes, and no. Yes, if there are known environmental risks, such as certain medications the mother was exposed to. No, if the cause is unknown. Most California Medical and public institutions will follow up with these cases for free until the specific cause can be determined.

There is a concern among doctors, researchers, and parents that some chemicals in the environment might be causing babies to be born with birth defects. There are things that you can do to reduce your baby’s exposure to potentially harmful chemicals.

If a mother comes in with a fetus that has an abnormality, the first thing to do is look at the maternal history. I mean, that’s fairly common sense, but maybe not so much. They’re going to wonder if the mother had a virus or got an injection or she was exposed to chemicals, things like that. You have to look and see what’s in her own environment. What they try and do is figure out the effects of whatever happened to the mother, and then they can project what it would do to a baby inside her during pregnancy.

Did Environmentalists Caused California Fires?

The cause of the fires is what everyone wants to know. Who or what is to blame? Environmentalists? The government? Management policies? Or is the state just that volatile—a fire waiting to happen at any moment?

Environmentalists were quick to blame the state’s latest string of fires on climate change, pointing out burning conditions worsened by heat and drought. Some even blamed Republican lawmakers for the fires, seeing them as enemies of Earth and climate science. But such claims may be misplaced—indeed, they may be backward. At least partially to blame for California wildfires may be a long history of environmental policy spurred by liberal ideology.

The wildfires currently consuming California have triggered a collective freakout and reignited the debate over whether climate change may have contributed to them.

Environment Quiz with Answers PDF Download

Clean water and clean air are something we tend not to notice until it’s gone. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has offices all over the states, but they also have a lot of great information on their website. One of the very first lessons I learned when studying the environment was to take care of our air, water, and land. The ways in which we care for our world will reflect on us as individuals and as a culture.

An environment quiz is a tool used to help us understand how much we know about pollution. We’ll be able to pinpoint where there is room for improvement and conduct further research into this topic.

There are many quizzes online that test your knowledge of the environment and ecology. But what if you don’t have time to sit down and study up on all of this info? Simply print out this PDF version while you watch TV or drive around in your car!

It’s the perfect time of the year to brush up on your environmental knowledge by taking this short quiz! You can find the answers (and more in-depth info about topics) at the end of this post.

Importance of Environment Quiz with Answers

Environment quiz is important for all competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, RRB, CDS, CSAT, IBPS, SBI PO and Clerk, RBI Assistant, etc. It is good for students of Class 1 to Class 12 to prepare for competitive exams. There are questions on environmental science, environmental laws, environmental policy in the environment quiz. Environmental Quiz is divided into four sections including Water Pollution Control Board in India as well as the Indian Environmental Society.

Nowadays children are slowly losing interest in the environment and they do not pay attention to their surroundings. As a result, children neither know the importance of nature and its protection nor know the problems being caused due to environmental destruction. Education plays an important role in the awareness of environmental protection and hence it is necessary that children know about environmental problems, sources, and solutions in order to protect this world.

Categories: Environment and Ecology MCQs